Читаем текст на английском: уровень A2

Чтение на английском языке — один из лучших способов пополнить словарный запас и улучшить понимание языка. Сегодня мы предлагаем вам интересный рассказ, который подойдет для уровня A2. Читаем текст на английском уровень A2, учим новые слова и проверяем понимание.

Читаем текст на английском: The Mysterious Letter (Уровень A2)

Emma was a young woman who lived in a small town. She worked in a bookstore and loved reading mystery novels. One morning, she found a strange letter on her doorstep. The envelope had no name, no address, only her first name written in blue ink.

Curious, she opened the letter. Inside, there was a short message:

«Meet me at the old bridge at 7 PM. Don’t be late.»

Emma’s heart started to beat fast. Who could have sent this letter? Was it a joke? Or maybe something serious? She decided to go and find out.

At 7 PM, Emma arrived at the old bridge. The sun was setting, and everything looked golden and calm. She waited for a few minutes, but nobody came. Just when she was about to leave, she heard footsteps behind her.

«Emma?» a voice said.

She turned around and saw an old man. He looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen him before.

«Who are you?» she asked.

The man smiled. «I knew your grandmother a long time ago. She was a wonderful woman. I have something that belongs to her.» He took out a small box and gave it to Emma.

Emma opened the box and found an old silver necklace with a tiny key. She looked at the man, full of questions, but he had already disappeared into the darkness.

Полезные слова и выражения для чтения текста на английском (уровень A2)

  • mystery novels — детективные романы
  • strange letter — странное письмо
  • curious — любопытный
  • envelope — конверт
  • address — адрес
  • heart started to beat fast — сердце забилось быстрее
  • setting sun — заходящее солнце
  • footsteps — шаги
  • disappear — исчезнуть

Вопросы для проверки понимания текста

  1. Where did Emma find the letter?
  2. What was written in the letter?
  3. Who did Emma meet at the bridge?
  4. What was inside the small box?
  5. What do you think the key is for?

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